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杭州中公教育 2021-02-25 15:51:41 浙江中公教育在线咨询在线咨询



初中英语 口语




Buying clothes

Teaching aims

Students can accumulate some sentence patterns, such as “What size do you take?” “How much is it?” “What color do you want?”

Students can talk about the topic of buying clothes fluently in English.

Students will improve their speaking ability in talking about shopping.

Students will be more eager to express their ideas in class and more confident in speaking English after learning this lesson.

Students will build a correct attitude towards consumption.

Key and difficult points

Key points

To master some sentence patterns and know more about the topic of buying clothes.

To improve their speaking ability in the real situation.

Difficult point

To improve their confidence in expressing their ideas in English.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greetings.

2. Play an interesting video clip about haggling when shopping. Then ask students what happened in the video and how to ask for the price in English.

3. Lead students to have a free talk and introduce the topic of buying clothes naturally.

Step 2: Pre-speaking

1. Read the dialogue for students and ask them to find out the main idea of it. Then check the answer together and tell them the conversation is about buying clothes.

2. Ask students to find out the main aspects mentioned in the dialogue. Then invite one student to write it down on the blackboard. It includes size, price, and color.

3. Ask students to underline the sentence patterns connected with the main aspects. Then tell them the function of some key sentences. For example, the sentence “How much is it?” is used to ask for the price. And the sentences “What size do you take?” and “What color do you want?” can be used to ask for customers’ needs.

4. Encourage students to do a brainstorm in groups of 4 about more aspects that can be included in their dialogue of buying clothes. Invite some volunteers to share and write their ideas on the blackboard. Provide more expressions accordingly.

Step 3: While-speaking

Set a situation that they are in a shopping mall to buy clothes. Ask students to work in pairs and make their own dialogue about buying clothes. One act as the customer and the other act as salesman. 10 minutes will be given to them. Remind them to pay attention to the expressions on the backboard. Meanwhile, they need to notice the pronunciation and intonation while talking. Walk around the classroom and give guidance if necessary.

Step 4: Post-speaking

Invite three pairs to come to the front and share their dialogues with the whole class. Give some positive evaluation and correct some mistakes in their speaking. Lead them to use the correct intonation.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: ask students to recall what they’ve learned together and invite one student to be an

assistant teacher and summarize the whole lesson. Tell students to shop reasonably and buy things they need in their daily life.

Homework: have students ask about their family members’ shopping experiences and share with us next class.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. How do you become a good English teacher?





【Suggested version】

Thanks for asking, I think to become an excellent English teacher is not accomplished overnight. It needs effort and time.

First of all, as excellent teachers, we should adhere to the concept of lifelong learning and constantly improve our professional knowledge and quality. Secondly, we need to continuously polish our teaching skills in practice so as to improve the level of teaching. In this process, we should continue to learn from excellent teachers and draw on the strengths of others to offset my own weaknesses. In addition, to love students is also important. We should not only teach students knowledge, but also teach students the truth of life.

In a word, we must keep summarizing and working hard to become an excellent English teacher.


2. Which part of your oral English teaching do you think is the most important?





【Suggested version】

Thank you for your question. I think in my speaking classes, from the warming-up part to the summary and homework part, every part counts. But for the teaching without students being present, the most important part is the pre-speaking.

First of all, only when the students know what aspects to mention in their speeches and what expressions to use, can the class go on smoothly. This is also an input process for students, only when students master what they need in their speeches can they use it freely and actively in the class. Secondly, in the teaching without students being present, the pre-speaking part is the part that teachers play the most role, and it is also the most critical part to show teachers’ professional quality.

Therefore, well-organized pre-speaking will facilitate teachers to guide students to speak strategically for effective communication.


初中英语 听说




What’s he like?

Teaching aims

Students can grasp some words like “clever”, “humorous”, “ponytail”, and sentence patterns “What’s he/ she like?” and “He/ She is...”.

Students are able to improve their listening and speaking ability, especially in describing personality.

Students will be eager to cooperate with classmates to improve their English and learn to appreciate others’ beauty.

Key and difficult points

Key points

To understand some words and sentence patterns.

To improve listening and speaking ability.

Difficult point

How to develop the awareness of cooperating with others.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greet students: how is everything going?

2. Guessing game

The teacher describes a person to class and asks them to guess who he is. For example, he is tall, he has brown hair and wears glasses. Invite students to share their answers and ask them how to describe personality. Then, lead in today’s topic naturally.

Step 2: Pre-listening

Present some words like “clever” “humorous”, “ponytail” on the blackboard. Introduce the meaning of them by using different ways. For example, “clever” shares the same meaning with “smart”. Dolphins can work out easy math problems, so they are clever. Present the “ponytail” by drawing a stick figure of a girl on the blackboard and describing her hairstyle. And “humorous” means “funny”. Our teacher often tells jokes, so he is humorous. Last, invite students to read all the words twice.

Step 3: While-listening

1. Extensive listening

Ask students to listen to the tape for the first time and answer one question: how many persons do they describe and who are they? (Two, they are Peter and Lucy.)

Then check the answer together and invite one student to write the name on the blackboard.

2. Intensive listening

Play the tape again and ask students to listen carefully to get some detailed information and fill in the chart on the blackboard.

Q1: What’s their appearance?

Q2: What’s their personality?

Then invite some students to write down the answers on the blackboard.

Present the sentence patterns: “What’s he/ she like?” and “He/ She is...”. Tell students when they talk about someone’s appearance and personality, they can use these sentences.

3. Ask students to imitate the conversation and pay attention to intonation and pronunciation. This time, the teacher reads it for them.

Step 4: Post-listening

Ask students to do a survey about their classmates’ appearance and personality. They can refer to the chart on the blackboard and use the knowledge they learned today. Divide the whole class into groups of 4 and give them 8 minutes. After 8 minutes, invite some groups to come to the front to share their report.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: review the knowledge with students. And ask students to learn to appreciate the beauty of others.

Homework: ask students to draw a picture of their family and describe their appearance and personality. They can share it in the next class.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. How do you design pre-listening?




【Suggested version】

Pre-listening is the preparation before listening, which lays foundation for the follow-up training. Therefore, we should reasonably set up this part.

In this class, I mainly use obstacles removal in pre-listening. That is to say, the knowledge that may affect students’ listening comprehension should be explained to students in advance, so as to make the following listening practice easier. I chose three words from the context: “humorous”, “clever” and “ponytail”. The reasons why I chose them are as follows. One of the reasons is that they are the key words in this lesson. The other is that they are too difficult for students to understand the text. By introducing their basic meaning and pronunciation, students can have a basic understanding of these words, and at the same time, some difficulties in listening comprehension can be eliminated.


2. In your daily life, who will help you learn English and how?





【Suggested version】

English has the nature of Humanities and Social Sciences, and it may have some changes with the development of society. Therefore, in our daily life, we should not slacken our study. In the process of learning English, I have got many people’s help.

Among these people, the one who helps me most is a friend of mine. She is an English teacher, whenever I have any English problems, she will patiently help me. Sometimes she explains in words, sometimes she demonstrates by herself. And from time to time, she will share her work experience with me. Influenced by her, I hope for the job of the English teacher.

In the future, I will continue to study and strive to become an English teacher like her, so as to help more people who want to learn English.



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