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小学英语 词汇




My room

Teaching aims

Students can speak out the words correctly and master the meaning such as “living room”, “bedroom”, “kitchen”, “study”, “bathroom” with the help of stick figures.

Students can grasp the sentence patterns “Where’s…?” “Is she…?” and use them in our daily communication.

Students will enhance their speaking ability and take part in group work actively.

Students can foster awareness of knowing the layout of their house.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To acquire the words such as “living room”, “bedroom”, “kitchen”, “study”, “bathroom” and the sentence patterns “Where’s…?”, “Is she...?”

To apply new words and sentences into their daily communication.

Difficult point

To enhance their speaking ability and take part in group work actively

To foster the awareness of knowing the layout of their house.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greet students and let them enjoy the beautiful scenery on the campus.

2. Let students enjoy a song named Bedroom and ask them what the song is about. The song goes like this:

In my bedroom, in my bedroom,

near the table and the chair.

You can see my little teddy bear,

sleeping in my little bed.

In my bedroom, in my bedroom,

near the table and the chair,

You can see my little teddy bear,

Sleeping in my little bed.

The students may come to the answer that the song is about the bedroom. Then ask them another question “how many rooms in your house? and what are they?” then lead them into today’s topic.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Set up a situation: now the teacher is the guide and the students are the visitors. The teacher will introduce home to the students.

2. First draw a stick figure of a bedroom and ask them what it is. Then write the word “bedroom” on the blackboard. Then draw other stick figures and explain the words “kitchen”, “bathroom”. Next, let students think about what room in their house. After the discussion, draw the stick figures “living room” and “study” on the blackboard.

3. Guide students to read the words loudly. Then ask them if we want to ask the location, what we can say. Then play the tape and teach them to use the sentence patterns “Where’s Amy? Is she in the study?” and can answer with “Yes, she is.” Then write them on the blackboard.

Step 3: Practice

1. Bomb game

Draw some bombs near the word “bedroom”, and “study.” Then tell the rules to the students: when the teacher point at the word without the bombs, students should read the words loudly. But when the teacher point at the bomb words, they should keep silent.

2. Describe the pictures

Show some pictures about the layout of the house, and ask students to describe the picture. Remind them that don’t forget to use the sentence patterns “where’s…” “Is she…”.

Step 4: Production

Play a game called Ask and Answer. The rules are like this: the teacher gives a student some pictures to pick up. Then the student holds the picture to ask “where is ...?” “is she/he...?” and points one student to answer the question. The student who answers the question need choose the picture and point one student to answer his question.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson. Tell them to love their home and family members.

Homework: ask students to draw a picture of their house and introduce his house the next class.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. How should we improve students’ speaking ability?







【Suggested version】

The improvement of the oral expression ability of primary school students is a systematic teaching project, whether it is age or knowledge structure and life experience, which are in an early stage of growth and accumulation. According to the teaching requirements of English in primary schools, it is an important part of English teaching to do a good job in oral teaching. So, there are a few main ways to do this:

First, create a good language environment for students. In oral training, teachers need to create a harmonious language environment, more praise, more encouragement, eliminate the psychological barriers of students, enhance students’ self-confidence and performance desire, so that students speak out boldly and proactively.

Second, stimulate students’ interest in speaking in class. The teacher should consciously let the students listen to some interesting stories, after listening to these stories, let the students repeat these stories. Teachers need to properly praise well-said students, encourage bad students more, do not hit them, so that students in the unknowingly dare to say, love to say.

Third, attach importance to the training of group cooperation. In English class, teachers try their best to create opportunities for students to cooperate and exchange, group discussions, group reports, group summaries. Give full play to the awareness of small cooperation, put everyone’s opinions together, there are group representatives to the teacher to make a report summary. This not only exercises the students’ organizational ability, but also trains the students’ analytical and generalization ability, so that every student has the opportunity to speak, express his own ideas and opinions, and get the training of oral ability.

In addition to these three options, there are many other ways to improve students’ oral skills. Teachers also need to adopt different programs depending on the student’s situation.


2. How to be a good teacher?







【Suggested version】

Teacher plays many roles in their careers, such as people who reassure others, supervisor of the whole class, a friend of students, and researcher of the study. To play these roles, the teacher should:

1. Clearly explain knowledge to students and solve the problems raised by students.

2. Organize and instruct various types of class activities and do a good job of class management.

3. Have good communication with students, and timely discover students’ psychological change.

Besides, teachers also need to constantly improve themselves, constantly reflect, and constantly improve. I believe I will be a good teacher in the future.

小学英语 词汇




Show me your books

Teaching aims

Students can speak out the words correctly and master the meaning such as “bag”, “book”, “pencil”, “eraser”, “ruler”, “pen”, “crayon”,”pencil-box” with the help of the stick figures.

Students can grasp the sentence patterns “this is ...” and “show me your ...” and can use them into our daily communication.

Students will enhance their speaking ability and take part in group work actively.

Students can stimulate their interests in learning English and form the awareness of cherishing their stationeries, and know put thins in order.

Key and difficult points

Key point

To acquire the words such as “bag”, “book”, “pencil”, “eraser”, “ruler”, “pen”, “crayon”,”pencil-box” and sentence patterns “this is ...” and “show me your ...”.

To apply new words and sentences into their daily conversation and show their friends the stationeries.

Difficult point

How to improve their interests in English class and cultivate the awareness of cherishing the stationeries.

Teaching procedures

Step 1: Warming-up

1. Greet students and remind them to wear more clothes to keep healthy.

2. Lead them to sing a song named Go to school and ask them what the song is about. The song goes like this:

In the morning when I wake up,

books in my hands and go to school.

In the morning when I wake up and let’s go to school.

In the school I see my friend,

we say Hello Are you OK?

In the school I see my friends, let’s go to school.

The students may come to answer the question the song is about going to school. Then ask them another about question what things they will take to school. Then lead them into today’s topic.

Step 2: Presentation

1. Set up a situation—now Nancy is introducing the things in her school bag to her friends and let’s see what she has together.

2. First draw a stick figure of a bag and ask them what it is. Then write the word “bag” on the blackboard. Then draw other stick figures around the bag and explain the words, “book”, “pencil-box” and “crayon”. Next, let students think about what they can put in the pencil box. After discussion, show the words “eraser”, “ruler”, “pen” on the blackboard with stick fingers.

3. Guide students to read the words loudly and then use the TPR teaching method to present the sentence patterns such as “This is a pen. Show me your pens!” and write them on the blackboard. As the students read the words, they need to do the right actions.

Step 3: Practice

1. Passing words

Divide students into groups on average. They line up in front of the class and face the blackboard. Tell the last students the words in each group and they should keep silent. When it begins, they should pass it to the students ahead of them quietly. The group who writes the right word on the blackboard will be the winner.

2. I have, you have

Show some pictures about the stationeries on the PPT and if the students have the thing on the picture, they should say “This is ..., show me your ...”, such as “This is a book, show me your books”.

Step 4: Production

Ask students to work in pairs and make a role play Little Seller. And Just imagine one student is the customer and the other one is the seller in the stationery shop. Ask them to make a small conversation about introducing the things by using the words and sentence pattern in this class. 10 minutes will be given. Then invite some group to share in front.

Step 5: Summary and Homework

Summary: invite a student to be a little teacher and summarize today’s lesson together. Tell them to cherish the stationeries and try to put their stationeries in order.

Homework: ask students to make a poster about their own stationeries and try to write down their usages.

Blackboard design

Teaching reflection



1. How are you going to cultivate students’ autonomous learning ability?



1. 营造自主学习的氛围。给学生提供自主学习的环境,让学生有时间和空间去进行自主安排,从而培养出自主学习的能力。

2. 培养自主学习的兴趣。让学生体会到自主学习与传统的学习之间的区别,从而自发地想要自主学习,而不是被迫的自主学习,反而起到反作用。

3. 养成自主学习的习惯。一旦养成良好的自主学习的习惯,就会主动地通过自主学习去获取新的知识,从而提升自己的学习能力。

4. 鼓励学生在课前进行预习,并独立思考。在接受老师们教授的内容前,进行预习,可以发散思维。

5. 提供自主学习的机会。举例:在周三的上午不安排具体的课程,完全把时间留给学生自主学习,老师在教室只是为了维持班级秩序。


【Suggested version】

As the saying goes: give a man a fish, and you will feed him for a day. Give him a religion, and he will starve to death while praying for a fish. In the stage of compulsory education, cultivating students’ autonomous learning ability is very significant to improve the learning effect. We need to teach students to learn knowledge, and teach them how to learn independently. It can be mainly carried out from the following aspects:

First and foremost, create an atmosphere of autonomous learning. Provide students with such an independent environment to study that students can have time and space to make their own arrangements, so as to cultivate the ability of autonomous learning.

Then, foster their interest in autonomous learning. Make students realize the difference between autonomous learning and traditional learning, therefore they will prefer to learn autonomously, rather than be forced to learn independently, which has a counterproductive effect.

Next, develop the habit of autonomous learning. Once you develop a good self-learning habit, you will take the initiative to acquire new knowledge through self-learning, and further improve your learning ability.

Additionally, encourage students to preview before class and think independently. Before accepting the content taught by the teachers, pre-study can stimulate your divergent thinking.

Finally, provide opportunities for autonomous learning. Take an example: No specific courses are arranged on Wednesday morning, and the time is completely reserved for students to study independently. The teacher is only in the classroom to maintain class order.

To sum up, cultivating students’ autonomous learning ability can fully enable students to be the masters of the class and truly achieve the integration of knowledge.


2. 你怎样让你的课保持生动有趣?

2. How are you going to keep your lessons interesting?





【Suggested version】

I will try my best to use all the teaching methodologies I learned at school to teach each child. Stories, poems, riddles, jokes, and songs are all good for little kids. I will have them practiced English as a whole class, group work, pair work or independent work.

There are so many activities used in this class, and they are listed in the following:

In the warming up and leading in, the English song Go to School is used. The song itself can stimulate the students’ enthusiasm and interest, and shift their attention from after-class to in-class. Then selecting the song that is related to the teaching content can lead them into today’s topic quickly and smoothly. In the presentation part, stick figures can make students master the specific meaning and usage of the new words, which can enhance the students’ interest. In the next part, I design a variety of practice activities, which can make a better and deeper understanding of the knowledge, as well as promote their cooperative ability. Next, the communicative activity of role play in the production part can further strengthen students’ oral speaking ability.

Whatever works out for the children and teaching materials, I will do it. There is never one way to success.



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