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初中英语 词汇

My Home
Teaching aims
Students can understand the main idea of the passage and master phrases about location like “on the left”, “on the right”, “in the center of” and so on.
Students can learn to describe their homes using the expressions they’ve learned in the class.
Students can improve their confidence in speaking English after practice and group work.
Key and difficult points
Key point
To understand the main idea of the passage and master the following phrases: “on the left”, “on the right”, “in the center of” and so on.
Difficult point
To apply the expressions they’ve learned in the class into practice and improve their confidence in speaking English.
Teaching procedures
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Play a short video about the Forbidden City and ask students the following questions:
Q1: Where is it?
Q2: Whose home is it?
Q3: How do you describe it in English?
3. Then introduce the topic of this lesson naturally through sharing their answers of the above questions.
Step 2: Presentation
1. Read the passage for students and ask them to find out the main idea. Then invite a volunteer to share his/ her answer.
2. Ask students the following questions:
Q1: Where is the small garden?
Q2: Where is the kitchen?
Q3: Where is the bathroom?
Later, check the answers with students and write down the three phrases: “on the left”, “on the right”, “in the center of” on the blackboard.
3. Teach the pronunciation of the phrases and emphasize the liaison between center and of. Then, teach the meaning of these phrases by using the picture on the book.
4. Give students more expressions such as “turn left”, “tun right” and “center around” and emphasize the different part of speech of the words.
Step 3: Practice
1. Fill in blanks
Give students some sentences and ask them to fill in the blanks with the correct phrases. Then check the answers together.
2. Describe pictures
Give students several pictures and ask students to describe it using the expressions they’ve just learned. Then choose some students to describe these pictures in front of the class by playing a game named Hot Potato.
Step 4: Production
Ask students to work in groups of four and discuss the layout of their homes. 10 minutes will be given for discussion. During their discussion, walk around the classroom and give help if necessary. Then invite some groups to share and give some evaluations.
Step 5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask students to recall what they have learned together and then invite one student to summarize today’s lesson.
Homework: ask students to make a new design for their homes and try to describe them in English using the expressions they have learned in this class.
Blackboard design

Teaching reflection
1. What are the methods of vocabulary presentation in vocabulary teaching?
【Suggested version】
The presentation of vocabulary plays an important part in vocabulary teaching. We can mainly present vocabulary in class through picture, stick figure, video, action, facial expression and explanation. To present the words for action, we can use TPR Teaching Method to carry on the teaching in the class and help students to learn effectively. To present the words connected with emotion, we can make facial expressions accordingly. The specific method should be combined with the vocabulary itself, the context as well as the features of students.
2. How do you make a good warming-up?
【Suggested version】
The warming-up of a lesson is crucial to the whole lesson. To make a good warming-up, we need to ensure that the form of warming-up is novel and the content is related to the new lesson. We can use songs, videos, pictures, stories, free talk and other interesting ways to do it, but if the content is not related to the new lesson, then the warming-up is not a good one. The specific method of warming-up also depends on the content of the material. Therefore, in the future, I will learn from experienced teachers to improve my teaching ability, enrich the forms of warming-up to foster students’ learning interest.
初中英语 听说

Good friends
Teaching aims
Students can understand the content of the listening material and be more familiar with the topic of friends.
Students can describe people’s qualities with some useful expressions like “interesting”, “honest”.
Students will develop their listening abilities of predicting, guessing the meanings of words according to the context, and catching detailed information through intensive listening.
Students can foster their confidence of learning English and cultivate the awareness of cherishing friendship in their daily life.
Key and difficult points
Key points
To understand the content of the listening material.
To master some key words related to people’s qualities and improve their listening material.
Difficult point
How to cultivate the awareness of cherishing friendship.
Teaching procedures
Step 1: Warming-up
1. Greetings.
2. Let students enjoy a song named Auld Lang Syne and ask them: “what’s the topic of this song. For example:
Should auld acquaintance be forgot.
And never brought to mind.
Should auld acquaintance be forgot.
And auld lang syne!
Invite some students to share their answers and tell them the song is about friendship. Then lead in today’s topic.
Step 2: Pre-listening
Show a picture of 2 people who are talking. Based on the picture, give students a task to make a prediction: “what are the dialogue about?” and collect their answers like: Maybe they are new friends of each other and have a talk? Maybe they are ready to introduce news friends to each other? and so on.
Step 3: While-listening
1. Extensive listening
Read the conversation for students and ask them to find out the main idea to check their predictions. Then write the topic on the blackboard.
2. Intensive listening
Ask students to listen to the tape for the second time and get some detailed information to answer the following two questions:
Q1: What makes good friends?
Q2: Why these qualities make good friends?
Then lead students to fill in the chart on the blackboard.
Encourage students to check the meaning of some key words, such as “honest” and “interesting” by referring to the context. Then invite some volunteers to share their findings and make a supplement. Later, show a sentence: “I think good friends should be...” and explain the usage of this sentence.
3. Ask students to read after the tape and pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.
Step 4: Post-listening
1. Role play:
Ask students to work in pairs to do a role play according to the conversation. They have 5 minutes to prepare. Then invite some groups to share and explain
2. Survey
Give students 5 minutes to have a survey in groups of four. Students need to introduce their best friends to group members by using the target expressions they have mastered in this class. During the survey, the teacher will walk around the classroom and give some advice. Later, some representatives will be invited to share their results. Positive evaluation will be given.
Step 5: Summary and Homework
Summary: ask students what they have learned today and make a summary together. Meanwhile, ask students to cherish friendship in their daily life.
Homework: ask students to search other qualities which good friends need and share next class.
Blackboard design

Teaching reflection
1. What’re your difficult points?
【Suggested version】
Thanks for the question, the teaching difficult points including two aspects. For teachers, that is the part hard to explain. For students, that is part hard to understand. It is helpful for teachers to have a clear understanding of difficult points. Thus, teachers can grasp the key points, break through the difficult points and improve teaching effect.
The difficult points in this class are as follows: First, how to develop the confidence of learning English; Second, how to cultivate the awareness of cherishing friendship. In this class, through the interact with students and positive evaluation, students’ confidence will be developed. Besides, in post-listening and summary part, I remind students to cherish friendship around them.
I believe, through these activities, the difficult points must have been broken through to some extent.
2. How do you design the listening class?
【Suggested version】
I have adopted the lesson design of PWP module in this class.
In warm-up, I draw students’ attention by singing a song named Auld Lang Syne. For pre-listening, prediction can cultivate their interest further and bring them into the situation of context. The while-listening helps students comprehend the whole conversation by designing different complex questions and tasks. At same time, students will be able to guess the meaning of words according to the context. As for post-listening, role play deepens the understanding of the conversation. What’s more, it can practise their spoken English. Summary and homework can help students review the key points and sublimate emotion.
That’s my teaching design. Thanks.
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